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My Projects

Some projects I’ve worked on in the past

Personal CS projects #

2022 #

Pinsir: A Discord bot to manage pinned message overflow. My personal website, which you’re visiting right now!

2019 #

LineageOS 14.1: Built LineageOS 14.1, a fork of Android 7.1, from source and installed on a Moto G4 Plus.

School projects1 #

2023 #

Block Brawl: An Android game where the player arranges blocks in a Tetris-style manner, built by me and two partners.
Developed for CSCI 448 Mobile Application Development

file_type_gamemaker Reactor Zero: A top-down roguelike shooter game, created in GameMaker by me and three partners.
Developer for CSCI 477 Elements of Games and Game Development

2022 #

Keeping Labor Safe: A web app for fetal monitoring, built to specification by my team and our client.
Developed for CSCI 370 Computer Science Field Session

Clue: A fully-functional GUI game of Clue, built by me and a partner.
Developed for CSCI 306 Software Engineering

Express Blog: Built a basic Markdown-based blog with Express.js.
Developed for CSCI 446 Web Apps

VM Translator: A virtual machine translator built to the specifications of Nand2Tetris.
Developed for CSCI 410 Elements of Computing Systems

2021 #

Evil Hangman: Created a command-line game of Evil Hangman, where the computer deliberately works against you to make you lose.
Developed for CSCI 262 Data Structures

MBTI Personality Test: Created a command-line personality test based on the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Developed for CSCI 262 Data Structures

Polar Arithmetic in RISC-V Assembly: Estimated values of \(sin\) and \(cos\) along with polar arithmetic.
Developed for CSCI 341 Computer Organization

2020 #

COVID Design Project: An automated disinfectant system for school dining halls to combat COVID-19, built by my team.
Developed for EDNS 151 Design I

Other projects #

Vintage Art Restorations: Restored vintage promotional material from the 1970s and 80s (and some contemporary).

  1. Most code for school projects is not publicly available for academic honesty purposes, but I am able to provide this if reached out to. ↩︎