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About Me

Hey there! #

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Image by Grace W

My name is Malcolm La Force. I recently finished my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at the Colorado School of Mines, and am now a full-time developer. I have much interest in both DevOps and web development. Eventually, I’d like to code this website from scratch, but for now I’m using Hugo for ease of content creation.

Outside of CS, I’ve found an interest in graphic design and audio engineering. My graphic design projects are mainly vintage poster restorations from musicians that I enjoy, but I’ll sometimes work to make original designs as well. For audio engineering, I enjoy restoring and remixing audio from these same bands. These songs are often unreleased and in fairly low quality, so I try to restore them to make them more enjoyable to listen to. There have been some really fun projects surrounding this that I’d like to post about in the future.

My free time is often spent in the above, in addition to running modded Minecraft servers, hiking, and studying the Bible.

Thanks for visiting!